I just can'te eat it too often because, well... because these hips don't lie.
In Philadelpia they call these "cheese steaks", but they also make them very differently, so in my mind, this is an entirely different sandwich.
Side dish: Baked Onion Rings
- Sub rolls (toast them)
- Mayonnaise (yes, I used light for this)
- Hoagie spread
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Onion
- Cheese (your favorite will do just fine)
Heather has the luxury of a Super Wal-Mart around the corner from her house, I have nothing around the corner, so off to Publix I went in search of bagged shredded lettuce.
I found it, but not at the Wal-Mart price. It was $2.19 a bag, or I could get a head of iceberg lettuce and shred it myself for $1.49.
So... I shredded, washed, and threw it in the salad spinner, then into the fridge so it would be crisp for my sandwich. It came out perfectly, and I have enough lettuce left over for a salad. If I ever get around to making one of those again. I can't think about such nonsensical things when the aroma of steak and cheese is wafting through the air.
So... I shredded, washed, and threw it in the salad spinner, then into the fridge so it would be crisp for my sandwich. It came out perfectly, and I have enough lettuce left over for a salad. If I ever get around to making one of those again. I can't think about such nonsensical things when the aroma of steak and cheese is wafting through the air.
These little miracles will make you say "What is a Steak-Um again?" Another gem of steak and cheese knowledge from Heather.
Wal-Mart's brand is about $5.00 for a 16 oz box, but that's such a long drive.
I found Steak-Eze at Publix in a 14 oz box. I would never buy them at the normal price of $7.49, but they were on sale, and a coupon on the box... I now have a freezer full and I'm a happy girl.
You just pop them frozen onto a medium heat frying pan or grill, (no oil) and put a lid on them for 1 to 2 minutes per side.
then the magic starts to happen, they're starting to look more familiar now right?
Flip them and poke at them a little with your spatula, and they will begin to resemble what you've seen coming from your favorite sub shop.
Hoagie Spread. It's the only point of contention between my sister and I. I love it, she says okay, but not on my steak and cheese.
Just as well I suppose, since we looked everywhere while I was there last month, and you just can't get this in the San Diego area.
For me, there is nothing yummier than these pickled hot peppers mingling in with the mayonnaise.
Mayo, and hoagie spread, together at last on a toasted roll. I do believe I could make a sandwich of just this.
Okay, my mouth is watering, and I'm smiling now. We can move on.
Sauteed onions. Another must for a perfect steak and cheese.
The very attentive might notice that there is a red onion in the picture of ingredients, and this is clearly not a red onion.
I remembered I had leftover sauteed onions from the avocado whipped potatoes with caramelized onions I made a few days ago, so I used those.
Oh... we're getting close. It's time to start assembling the masterpiece!
If you're using the Steak-Eze breakaway steask, this is two "steaks". The Wal-Mart brand steaks are bigger, and you only need one per sandwich.
What? I mentioned how much I loved onions right?
Plus, there was a ton left over, and I couldn't just let them go to waste.
And here you have it!
One of my all time favoire meals in the world.
Serve it up with these baked onion rings and you'll be the hero!